Prior to that date, I went to go donate my hair to Locks of Love.
My first time I donated my hair was a few years back, maybe when I was 14, I donated 10 inches.
My second time for donation was when i was 17, the hair was 17 inches. lol do you see the correlation?
And just a few days ago, I went ahead and donated 15 inches, because I knew someone out there will want my hair more than i do :)
I donated a total of 40 inches over the past six years, and it feels very good.
A philosophy I grew up with was, to treat people the way you want to be treated.
Go ahead and disagree, because we do have different perspectives then the next person.
Smiling is simple, or holding the door open for the person behind you, small things add up.
It would be great if most people lived in a positive perspective like this, but at the end, we just have to be thankful.
"Don't be thankful for what you don't go, be thankful for what you do got" (Drake)
a few days before i donated the hair

&the new haircut :3